And thats me on my little Dahon. I love my little bike, it is very fast, despite having 20" wheels.
At the moment it is in the garage looking all dismembered, because my dear husband got me some new tires (which was sweet) because my back tire has a massive hole in it, left by a shred of glass. Only the thing is that he got a wrong size tires! And he only realized that after he took my old tires off.... So hence i had to change into civil clothes and take a bus and a train like all the normal people do. I guess the good thing was i could knit on the way to work, but i still hate commuting, it just takes forever and i feel like my freedom to move is morbidly restricted by train times and such.
Aaanyway, i am so close to completing Birthday Drops vest for my mother i just might finish it before Sunday, which would be nice. Oh, and my Rowan Bamboo Tape pattern booklet has arrived, giving me a lot of inspiration. Surprisingly enough Colin got very excited about the idea of making yarn out of bamboo, thats his latest craze - bamboo and more bamboo. He just got some black bamboo to go to our front garden. When i weakly protested that it grows up to
50' tall so will eventually stop any sunshine getting to the front of the house, he enthused that it will be just like living in a jungle. In a semi detached house in southeast London. Oh well, Russians say let children play so that they dont cry...
I was spending a lot of time on Ravelry again, as you do, chatting to more people. I love all that discussion board stuff you know. I even started a new thread and it had fantastic response.
Sweet baby Unity has started her nursery this week. She is doing great, they said she loved it. They give us like these little sheets of paper where it says what she did and what she ate, it was so sweet. I can just see her sitting there on a little chair like a big girl and eating cheesy mush and baked beans with a spoon. She is off today though because she is having her MMR immunization. I hope she takes it well, poor baby.
1 comment:
those are cool little bikes!
Take heart, even I, the Great Detester of Puplic Crampedportation, take the buss sometimes simply because I feel like knitting on the way to or from work.
It's nice to jsut kick back (if it's not crowded) and let someone else drive!
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