Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Well hello there

Hi, just a quick one to explain why i didnt blog for so long, went gray and lost a little bit more of my mind. Well, its very easy - I have been looking for an aupair. At first it seemed easy enough, i found a Spanish girl and she was sweet and lovely and was supposed to start on 14th of February.
On the 12th she rang me up and told me that sorry she is not gonna do it. Angry, upset, desperate, I had to organize our old aupair, who has already moved out, to pick children up for about million pounds per hour and no end of greaf. Meanwhile I desperately tried to find someone new. And on Sunday we finally met a girl, a Brazilian, lovely, smart, ready to start on the next day.
Oh well that is great you'd say. Listen to this: on the way back home from the interview she was robbed and hit in the face, resulting in her suddenly deciding that she wanted to be aupair no more and wanted to go back home. And this is where I have discovered something new about myself: when i got her hysterical email (after i sent all the other possible candidates an email saying we've found someone,) first thing I thought wasn't a "Oh no, poor girl," but a "Shit, back to square one". Does that make me a bad person? Probably...
Anyway, then i decided to pay for an online advert and as soon as I've pressed "pay" button, I got an email from an older russian lady I have been trying to convince to come work for me a while back, asking if we are still looking for someone. Hell yeah!!!
So now she is starting on Monday (given the bus doesnt run her over or the ground doesnt open under her feet) and all is well. For now.
I will be hopefully returning back soon with some more food and knitting pics.

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