Wednesday 13 August 2008

Good and bad

Ok, lets start with good - i have finished my comfort shawl! wheeeeeee hey! I, of course, have to still weave in all the ends and crochet around it and block it, but the main grueling backward and forward knitting is finished. Im so proud of myself. And i dont really mind how it looks, plus i think grandma will love it. So there it is, im a knitter, past the scarves and socks.
Have spent a lot of time (far too much time really) on Ravelry, chatting away mainly on various discussion boards. I have never participated in activities like that, and think it is great. And i get to meet all the wonderful women (and some men) and for me, who find it hard to make new friends, it feels just great.
Also i have worked out (well more or less) how to make the superman jumper for Leo, thats my new project. At the same time there are so many things i wanna do, i feel that my very presumptuous resolution of "One Project At A Time" is going to be dumped very soon. There is this cardigan i really want to make and there is of course Colin's Christmas sweater that i will have to start soon, considering how little time i have to actually knit. And Colin, bless, he had ordered some patterns for sweaters, because i offered him few designs and he said mmmhew, so i told him if he finds a pattern, ill make it for him. Which he did.
Thats for the good. And on the bad front - i have a cold. A nasty crappy snuffly cold. Which is not the worst thing that can happen and if you think about it, very small compare with massiveness of I Finished The Shawl!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I like a really BAD cold...where I get to call out and sit home and nap and knit and blow my nose in front of the TV.

Funny how when you're a kid you got lots of those, now...not so much.