Monday 15 September 2008

Im here

Ok, so the weekend was HECTIC and i mean it really was. I was cooking all day Saturday, made a quiche and lasagna and walnut roll(attempt number 3). Only i swapped this time walnuts with pecans and i liked it better. The dough was great this time, just the filling turned out a little dry. So hopefully next time perfect.
Then Unity had a stomach bug so she was sick in the middle of the night (why is it always the middle of the night?) all over the duvets and basically everywhere. So yesterday it was a big washing and ironing and cooking and cleaning and putting things away day. And then i tried to put the duvet in to washing machine but it was having none of it, so i had to drag it upstairs and stuff it in to the bath filled with warm water with soap and then dance around on it for about 20 minutes and then repeat that procedure like 3 times with no soap this time to rinse it, and then log it into the garden and hang it on the scaffolding. And how grateful i was that my dear husband is lazy enough not to take the scaffolding apart, despite me regularly hustling him about it. And, just when you though that was enough, we had to change the tires on my bike. All that along with taking children to the park and having neighbour's boy around and feeding them and entertaining them and resolving their scuffles.
So it is not surprising that i didnt have much knitting done, and what i thought was gonna be a couple of days kind of project now is going for a second week!
On the positive i have finally organized my yarn into plastic boxes so that my wardrobe is not completely filled with bits of yarn in plastic bags.
Ahhh, i thought i'd never say that, but im happy to be at work. So peaceful....

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