Wednesday 17 September 2008

Power and things

Today i have heard word "power" more than in the whole of last year. I had a big client in, and i mean, Big, Huge kind of client. He is an art director of a very influential fashion and lifestyle magazine, photographer, illustrator, basically one of the most influential people in the industry. And, he is great! I actually really enjoyed working with him. And that makes a change from me going " oh just give up" to the photographer. (And yeah, i do get into trouble for saying that.)
So anyway, he was saying how he'd have all the text written for the article before the images are shot. And then, after the whole article put together he'd just go: "I dont like the way that first letter looks against that background. Why dont we change it to say "M" or a "W". " And you know what? They would have to rewrite the whole thing so it can start with M or a W. Now, that is power for you. Speaking in narrow fashion sense of course.

Aanyway, i wanted to post couple of pictures that i think are pure inspiration in the sense of color, for wool dyeing ( if i ever get around to it).

The last two are my beloved orchids. Loooove orchids.
And last but not least, here is a picture of my sweet dumb cat Maneki.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Beautiful! Your cat is adorable. And sweet and dumb is way better than smart and evil. ; )