It was incredibly busy at work this week. I always feel like im back from war after a week of 13-14 hour days and cycling back in the dark. And we worked Sat as well. We were supposed to work on Sunday but it was canceled. Children were at my mothers and we didnt tell her about Sunday being off so we got a nice long lie in in the morning and i had most of my chores done before she brought them back. So anyway, it was a great job, i enjoyed working on it and i didnt get angry with the photographer, not even once. I had a certain freedom from him as well, he trusted me to do what i think needs to be done as long as it achieved what he wanted it to look like. Its much better way of working, rather than having someone constantly poking in your screen and telling you how to do your job. You tell me what you want, and i'll decide HOW to do it.
Surprisingly enough i managed to do a bit of auto-pilot (whilst zoning out in front of TV) knitting on Christmas Cobblestone, its about 30% done. I think it has a lot to do with me looving to knit with Bamboo tape, its so soft and yummy.
I also did some yarn hand-painting on Sunday with some food dyes. I have fixed it afterwards by steaming it for 20 mins and letting it cool in the steamer before washing it. My inspiration was autumn

Its incredible how bright it turned out, im very happy with that. Its a shame this wool is so scratchy, i need to get some nice merino to experiment with.
Alright! Nice looking yarn! I havne't dyed anything in AGES but I should think about that this weekend.
...I do need to get cranking on my christmas gifts though.
That yarn is beautiful! You are talented. And too funny - taking a day to yourselves. Sounds great.
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