Tuesday 2 December 2008

So close

And yet so far! Im knitting and kitting and still only just past the second decrease on the yoke of the Christmas Cobblestone. im starting to get seriously twitchy about the whole thing, i still got million things to knit before Christmas and very little time to do it. May be i should just give up and put the needles aside and just admit that im no good..... (sobbing with self pity).
Now, i have to remember that Im tough and strong granddaughter of a hardcore woman , who came from the communal farm and end up a head engineer in one of the top factories of USSR and never never gave up (or remarried after becoming a widow at 32). There is will and determination worth mentioning, not my wining over slow knitting. I am ashamed. What would grandma say.
I dont know if i should put the Cobblestone aside though and start on those scarves. May be I'll give it till Thursday.

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