Friday 10 October 2008

Another Friday

Im tired today, tired and sort of .. melancholic. Unity was up pretty much throughout the night and was very grumpy in the morning... It was sad i didnt get to say goodbye to her properly because my mother is picking them both tonight and keeping them for a weekend, because we have to work Sat and probably Sunday. It is gonna be Unity's first weekend way and im worried sick how she will react to the whole thing.. I have packed enough clothes to last them at least a week without changing and tried to foresee every eventuality, getting all sorts of food and drinks and snacks and Calpol and dummies and blankies , you get the idea. Its weird, because im usually quite calm about my children, like i dont drop everything and run everytime there is some scuffle or fall, unless it sound really serious. And here i am, literally making myself ill because my baby is going to her grandma's for 2 nights. Like my mother said, its gonna be how its gonna be. And breathe...
So we were supposed to get these "extremely important deadline Tuesday morning" images and guess what, we are still sitting twiddling our thumbs ( well im writing this blog of course) and nothing is happening because photographers are probably most unreliable people on the planet (oh, and art directors, they may be worse, its a close one) so we are not getting any images until tomorrow morning. And that means we will have to work Sunday, and so no ironing done, or cooking or any proper knitting time for that matter... Why do i do this job anyway, someone remind me...
I managed to get Nicola, my colleague, interested in yarn dyeing and she loves the idea. Being wonderful as she is she go me and herself a book on natural dye plants, called A Dyers Garden by Rita Buchanan. Nicola is a keen gardener and i like the idea of gardening, never having time to do any. But next year i will (i will i will i will ) have a vegetable garden and at least a couple of dye plants. Now its just how to convince Colin to allocate some space for me in our 150' garden... Last time i spoke with him about it he frowned and said i could have the 5' patch between garage and shed. To which i meaningfully and articulately told him that i'm planning to plant p-o-t-a-t-o-e-s and need s-p-a-c-e. He frowned some more and said he'll think about it. So i guess i just have to remind him every week or so before the planting time comes. And im so looking forward to my yarn spinning class, its gonna be my birthday present for myself. Month later than the birthday, but hey, better late than never.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Oh man, sorry you have to work all weekend. But I completely understand about the kids - even leaving them at home with my husband (for a couple of nights) makes me feel a bit sick to my stomach. Of course they'll be fine.

I have lofty goals for a garden next spring, but I'm also not quite sure where it will fit. We'll have to cheer each other on come spring!