Monday 20 October 2008

Tired Monday

After a very weary Saturday and exhausted Sunday we have come to a tired Monday. It seems to me that i havn't slept properly for years now, even though it only has been last couple of weeks that Unity's teeth have decided to come out all at the same time. So she is in pain (poor baby) and we have no sleep. And im not going to pretend that i dont want to throw her out of the window at 4.30 in the morning when i get up for the 50th time, but instead i give her a hug and some chamomile water and lay down for another 25mins....
So things are slow at work again and there are bits and bobs that are supposed to be coming in, so we are waiting, zombified.
And i have been getting on with my Christmas Cobblestone thing, it looks great so far and i have progressed to a point that im starting to worry about the sleeves. I shall post some pictures soon.
Oh, i saw this animation on Youtube, ts quite funny, check it out "Learning to knit"

1 comment:

Katherine said...

Oh man, poor you. That's such a tough place to be, when you need all your patience and are so exhausted. (All at once? NOT fair.) Hang in there!

That video was funny.