Tuesday 17 June 2008

Another day another rant.

Im very proud of myself today, i have managed to finish the back straps on my top. It was hard, considering i had to fight off our tiny cat Maneki Neko, who was trying to attack my needles, falling over, running away only to come back to jump on me again and again. She is very sweet though. I will have to get some pictures of her soon.

Then there was this whole nanny issue today in the morning. Our adopted cousin who's staying with us at the moment, told me yesterday that my baby Unity sat on the sofa all day "shouting"and that gave him such a bad headache that he couldn't look for work on the internet. At first i didnt think about it, but then it suddenly dawned on me - why is Unity sitting "all day" on the sofa, when im paying nanny to take her out, entertain her and encourage her development in all sorts of ways?! So i had a massive pop at nanny, almost accusing her of not doing her job properly, telling her i was surprised at her behavior, and that it was unacceptable. She of course got very upset, i got upset, Colin got upset, and then Talik (the cousin) turns around and goes - "well may be it wasn't the whole day she sat on the sofa." I demanded the exact time, and it turned out she hardly sat on the sofa at all. He was just in a bad mood last night and exaggerated the whole thing to make an excuse for himself.
So i have apologized to nanny for misunderstanding. I think i'll get her a nice box of chocolates for emotional distress. And i hope Talik will learn from this experience that you cant expec't to say things without thinking and have no repercussions. Hehehe and he will have to make it up to her.

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